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Consistency is not always the best goal... here's why!
Consistency is not always the best goal... here's why!

Consistency is not always the best goal... here's why!

In this episode I'll explain why nurses and other healthcare healers need to drop the shame around being "inconsistent" with daily routines and practices!If you're ready to embrace my system of self-assessment, cycle tracking, and hormone hacking join us for the Hack Your Happiness Challenge! We start March 3rd! [CLICK HERE!] Get my All Day Mindfulness Self Care Plan to use during your next healthcare shift! [CLICK HERE!] Get my super popular Weekly Bliss Planner! [CLICK HERE!] Downloaded over 5000 times so far! Get on the waitlist for my upcoming 6 month mastermind (includes an in person retreat!)! [CLICK HERE!] Don't forget to subscribe, leave a review and share this podcast with your healthcare besties!

Consistency is not always the best goal... here's why!

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