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How Wide Is Your Net?
How Wide Is Your Net?

How Wide Is Your Net?

What is a social network - other than a movie? Does my social network include just friends - or also acquaintances and neighbors? And what makes a social network healthy or unhealthy? Walking us through these questions is Dr. Adrienne Wood.  We want to hear from you! Please share your own experiences with friendship and loneliness on our private Facebook community: facebook.com/groups/kristenandjolenta or write to us at kristenandjolenta@gmail.com    And join our Patreon Community to get access to live monthly book clubs with Kristen and Jolenta, ad-free exclusive episodes of By The Book, minisodes of us talking about what we’re reading, the written rules of every self-help book we’ve ever lived by, tips from our experts, advice, and more: patreon.com/listentobythebook    Also, be sure to follow us on Instagram: @howtobefinepod, @k10meinzer & @jolenta_G   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

How Wide Is Your Net?

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