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Predicting Mental Illness Through AI with Stevie Chancellor
Predicting Mental Illness Through AI with Stevie Chancellor

Predicting Mental Illness Through AI with Stevie Chancellor

How is AI used to predict mental illness? What are the benefits and challenges to its use? In this episode we interview Stevie Chancellor about AI, mental health, and the benefits and challenges of machine learning systems that are used to predict mental illness.  Stevie Chancellor is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Her research combines human-computer interaction and machine learning approaches to build and critically evaluate machine learning systems for pressing social issues, focusing on high-risk health behaviors in online communities. Full show notes for this episode can be found at Radicalai.org.  If you enjoy this episode please make sure to subscribe, submit a rating and review, and connect with us on twitter at twitter.com/radicalaipod

Predicting Mental Illness Through AI with Stevie Chancellor

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