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Leading with Empathy and Authenticity
Leading with Empathy and Authenticity

Leading with Empathy and Authenticity

“It’s no longer acceptable for organizations to offer a one-size-fits-all approach.” Award-winning entrepreneur, workplace educator, and the Founder & CEO of Reimagine talent, Chelsea C. Williams helps employers provide a better workplace for multi-generational workers. She and Amalia share some workplace truths and Chelsea chats about why it’s important for leaders to see each unique individual, flexing to meet different generational needs, and the impact of employees demanding more from their employers than ever before. Amalia and Chelsea also connect over how they’ve incorporated the concept of having the whole damn pie into the focus of their own companies and the people who they work alongside to make a real difference in the world.  Key Takeaways How the workforce is evolving: Learn more about how factors such as AI, generational shifts, and changing employee expectations are shaping the workplace.  Tips on managing a fully remote company: Chelsea shares how they prioritize connection at Reimagine Talent.The Whole Damn Pie means: For Chelsea, it’s living life on her own terms and being authentic to herself in pursuit of what really matters.   Learn more about Reimagine Talent here: https://www.reimaginetalentco.com/

Leading with Empathy and Authenticity

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