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Stop self-sabotage with Naz El-Mariesh & Sara Jane Maxwell
Stop self-sabotage with Naz El-Mariesh & Sara Jane Maxwell

Stop self-sabotage with Naz El-Mariesh & Sara Jane Maxwell

Why do so many women talk to ourselves like sh*t? Why do we repeat self-destructive behaviour? I've been lucky enough to meet hundreds of women over the last few years and one thing we all have in common: we get in our own way. We find it hard to say no. We fear failure and insist on comparing ourselves to others. Today I am finding out how we can all stop c*ckblocking ourselves and finally stop the self-sabotage. I'm joined by Naz El-Mariesh, a women's empowerment coach and Sara Jane Maxwell, a wealth coach, who will talk you through how to identify which type of self-saboteur you are, and how you can overcome it.Find Naz here: https://womenarethemedicine.nethttps://www.nasreenel-mariesh.com/Find Sara Jane here: https://www.wealth-coach.co.uk

Stop self-sabotage with Naz El-Mariesh & Sara Jane Maxwell

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