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The “No Assholes Rule” (And Why It’s A Joke)
The “No Assholes Rule” (And Why It’s A Joke)

The “No Assholes Rule” (And Why It’s A Joke)

You may have worked in a workplace or more than one legal workplace where they said that they had a no-asshole rule.Clearly, there are many people who have worked in similar workplaces because this episode is one of the most downloaded episodes. Again, it's one of the ones I hear about the most from people because there is so much agreement with the fact that the no-asshole rule is, in fact, a myth. Here are my thoughts about the no-asshole rule.See show notes at formerlawyer.com/139Learn the framework that I use with my clients to help them figure out what it is that they want to do that is not practicing law, in a brand new live masterclass on Friday, September 6th. Reserve your seat now at formerlawyer.com/masterclass.

The “No Assholes Rule” (And Why It’s A Joke)

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