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Three ways to keep your "hibernation friends"
Three ways to keep your "hibernation friends"

Three ways to keep your "hibernation friends"

Sometimes life's circumstances become so overwhelming that you find yourself withdrawing from friends. During your "hibernation" period, you hope that they'll stick around without getting upset, losing interest, or questioning the friendship. So what exactly is a hibernation friend and what can we do to ensure that we have the kind of friendships that make it through?-- In this episode, Danielle Bayard Jackson-- host and friendship expert-- announces a pivot in the business. Before entering into this new season, she's decided to revive one-on-one group coaching sessions for a limited time.To book your session visit us at betterfemalefriendships.com/coaching.----To book Danielle to speak at your event, please contact info@tellpublicrelations(dot)com. We are currently booked for October 2024, but have availability in September and November.---Enjoying the podcast? Consider buying Danielle's book: Fighting for our Friendships: The Science and Art of Conflict and Connection in Women's Relationships

Three ways to keep your "hibernation friends"

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