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06 | Giving Yourself Permission
06 | Giving Yourself Permission

06 | Giving Yourself Permission

A lot of times, the first step in personal growth – in expanding into a bigger, better version of ourselves – is giving ourselves permission. There is safety in the familiar, and for many of us, stepping outside the bounds of that comfort requires a sense of permission, a sense that we're allowed to do the thing that we want to do (or that scares us but we know will ultimately be for our good). Even if you aren't a recovering people pleaser or perfectionist, everyone operates by a set of self-imposed rules that can be hard to break or bend or discard. But giving yourself permission to step outside those lines can be a huge step toward freedom and expansion.This episode is your pep talk for pulling those rules out into the light and deciding for yourself whether they actually serve you. (Spoiler alert: a lot of them might not be!)

06 | Giving Yourself Permission

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