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10 | Be the Weirdo Who Dares to Enjoy
10 | Be the Weirdo Who Dares to Enjoy

10 | Be the Weirdo Who Dares to Enjoy

Most of us have parts of ourselves that leave us feeling like a weirdo. We have hobbies or interests that we keep quiet about because we're worried about what other people will think. This episode is a pep talk for letting go of all that gunk and letting our metaphorical freak flags fly – even if they're just those little mini flags and we only wave them in our living rooms. We gotta start somewhere!Today's invitation is to take a peek at the parts of ourselves that we tend to try and hide away, and to invite them out for a conversation instead. Often, the parts of ourselves that can feel like a burden are actually important elements in what we bring to the world. And sharing our experience, strength, and hope can serve to inspire others.Read the transcript on SettlingIsBullshit.com – https://settlingisbullshit.com/2024/06/06/podcast-be-the-weirdo-who-dares-to-enjoy/

10 | Be the Weirdo Who Dares to Enjoy

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