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12 | Sharing Our Tenderness and Navigating Vulnerability Hangovers
12 | Sharing Our Tenderness and Navigating Vulnerability Hangovers

12 | Sharing Our Tenderness and Navigating Vulnerability Hangovers

Sharing vulnerability is the foundation of meaningful relationships and wholehearted living. It’s also really fucking hard – by definition. To be vulnerable means to share our tenderness and open ourselves up to the possibility of getting hurt. But it’s super worth it, and it’s the only way to cultivate the kind of connection that most of us crave.This episode serves as a reminder that vulnerability is worth it, and also offers support around the almost-always-inevitable vulnerability hangover. Having the language of vulnerability hangover and the capacity to recognize when one is happening opens up the doors to self-compassion and self-care.The more we’re able to take good care of ourselves around our vulnerability hangovers, the more resilient and empowered we become. And the more we share our vulnerability in safe (enough) and supportive spaces, the more courageous and connected we feel.So! As a heads up, I’m practicing what I preach in this one by sharing something that meets my quality standards for content but the audio quality isn’t ideal. As always, you can read the transcript on SettlingIsBullshit.com – https://settlingisbullshit.com/2024/06/20/podcast-sharing-our-tenderness-and-navigating-vulnerability-hangovers/Resources, References, and Links:Brene Brown – Power of Vulnerability Ted Talk. If you haven’t seen it, please give yourself the gift of this 20 minute video. https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_the_power_of_vulnerability?language=enVulnerability hangover. Here is a useful article that includes coping strategy suggestions: https://www.choosingtherapy.com/vulnerability-hangover/Trauma dumping. What it is, how to recognize it, and hopefully, therefore, how to avoid doing it! https://www.talkspace.com/blog/trauma-dumping/Jim Henson documentary. Jim Henson Idea Man – so good! Also, much as I appreciate and respect the guy, he was definitely a workaholic. Appreciate that the film does address the toll it took on his family. Just wish they’d talked more about Fraggle Rock! https://ondisneyplus.disney.com/movie/jim-henson-idea-manThe Dark Crystal – very strange, cult classic film that came out in 1982 and was a radical departure from The Muppet Movie.The Labyrinth – also a very strange and (in my book) marvelous movie featuring the late, great David Bowie as the villain.Brene Brown's Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. The title here pretty much says it all. Highly recommend, as with all of her work.

12 | Sharing Our Tenderness and Navigating Vulnerability Hangovers

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