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Canada Immigrant Entrepreneur Nikhil Dwivedi | Episode 80
Canada Immigrant Entrepreneur Nikhil Dwivedi | Episode 80

Canada Immigrant Entrepreneur Nikhil Dwivedi | Episode 80

On the Ask Canada Immigration Lawyer Evelyn Ackah podcast, host Evelyn Ackah interviews her client and fellow entrepreneur, Nikhil Dwivedi. Nikhil shares his background and motivation for immigrating to Canada. He founded EYP Creations in India and wanted to expand his business in Canada. Nikhil discusses the success of his company, which manages artists and YouTube channels in the music industry. He also highlights the growth of Punjabi music internationally and the opportunities he sees in Canada. Nikhil praises Evelyn and her team for their support and guidance throughout the immigration process. He emphasizes the importance of choosing the right immigration lawyer and having a good team. Nikhil also shares his positive experience in Canada including the weather, the people, and the opportunities available. He advises future immigrants to be prepared for hard work and to learn the language before coming to Canada.Connect with Nikhil Dwivedi:LinkedIn | InstagramHere are the key takeaways from Evelyn Ackah's podcast interview with Canadian immigrant entrepreneur Nikhil Dwivedi.Nikhil’s journey reflects the opportunities and challenges of immigrating to Canada, emphasizing the importance of preparation, support, and a proactive approach to integrating into a new country. Nikhil Dwivedi’s Background:Founder of EYP Creations in India, established in 2014.Over nine years of entrepreneurial experience in the music and entertainment industry.Holds a BBA and MBA from the Indian Institute of Planning and Management.EYP Creations manages 32 artists and over 150 YouTube channels, collaborating with major companies like Meta, Spotify, and Apple Music. Motivation for Moving to Canada:Expansion of Punjabi music internationally prompted the move.Desire to explore opportunities in the Canadian music and entertainment industry.Evelyn Ackah’s legal expertise facilitated the incorporation of the business and immigration process. Immigration Experience:Positive experience with Canada’s welcoming environment, weather, and opportunities.Importance of hard work and being prepared for the challenges of a new country.Acknowledges the significant Punjabi community in British Columbia as a support system. Advice for Prospective Immigrants:Importance of learning English for daily communication and integration.Need for thorough preparation and understanding the effort required to succeed.Emphasis on choosing the right immigration professionals to avoid pitfalls. Support and Guidance from Evelyn Ackah:Evelyn’s legal support was crucial in navigating the immigration process.Highlighting the value of a good team and professional guidance in achieving successful immigration outcomes. Future Plans and Recommendations:Suggestion for Evelyn to set up educational initiatives in India to guide potential immigrants.Continued collaboration and...

Canada Immigrant Entrepreneur Nikhil Dwivedi | Episode 80

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