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Embracing a Servant's Heart in Business: Insights from Steve Ramona
Embracing a Servant's Heart in Business: Insights from Steve Ramona

Embracing a Servant's Heart in Business: Insights from Steve Ramona

I’m not a financial advisor; Superpowers for Good should not be considered investment advice. Seek counsel before making investment decisions.Watch the show on television by downloading the e360tv channel app to your Roku, AppleTV or AmazonFireTV. You can also see it on YouTube.When you purchase an item, launch a campaign or invest after clicking a link here, we may earn a commission. Engage to support our work.Devin: What is your superpower?Steve: My superpower is to connect people with people.In today's episode of "Superpowers for Good," I had the pleasure of speaking with Steve Ramona, host of "Doing Business with a Servant's Heart." Steve's passion for integrating a servant's heart into business practices is not only inspiring but also a transformative approach to entrepreneurship. His philosophy centers on the idea that by serving others, you can grow your business in meaningful and sustainable ways.Steve shared his journey of adopting a service mindset, highlighting the profound impact it has had on his career. He explained, "When you have a servant's heart in your business, you will grow. It’s hard to retain in your mindset because you don't see it tangibly, but I've proven that it can, and it's such a fun way to do business."One of the most compelling moments in our conversation was when Steve recounted a touching story about helping a businesswoman who was struggling with medical bills for her disabled children. By referring clients to her, Steve provided opportunities that she never anticipated. "You never know when you're serving somebody what the end result will be," Steve said. "Take action with a servant's heart because you might literally change somebody's life for the good."For entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley and beyond, Steve offers valuable advice: "Serve your employees from your janitor to your CFO. Serve your customers and even your competitors. Build currency in the universe by bringing value to every conversation."Steve’s experiences and insights are a testament to the power of service in business. His approach not only enhances relationships but also fosters a culture of genuine care and collaboration. As he eloquently put it, "Be transformational, not transactional."Incorporating a servant's heart into your business isn't just about achieving success; it's about making a lasting impact. Steve Ramona’s journey is a powerful reminder that true growth and fulfillment come from serving others.AI Episode Summary1. Devin Introduces Steve Ramona: Devin introduces Steve Ramona, a fellow show host on e360tv, emphasizing their mutual engagement with social entrepreneurs and changemakers.2. Steve's Show - Together We Serve: Steve details his show "Together We Serve," an extension of his podcast "Doing Business with a Servant's Heart," which features thought leaders demonstrating servant leadership in business.3. Concept of Servant Leadership: Steve explains that a servant's heart in business involves prioritizing service and support to others, which, although intangible, can significantly benefit one's business.4. Steve's Journey: Steve shares his 15-year journey of adopting a service mentality, building relationships, and integrating his extensive network into new projects, beginning with his experience in his family's health club.5. Practical Example - A Personal Story: Through personal relationships at his family's health club, Steve learned the value of offering kindness and support, seeing long-term professional benefits.6. Adopting Servant Leadership in Silicon Valley: Steve advises Silicon Valley CEOs to focus on serving employees, customers, and competitors, fostering a culture of support that can yield unexpected benefits.7. Mentorship and Service Mindset: Steve emphasizes mentoring and providing value in conversations as key to developing business and personal growth, sharing an example of supporting a woman dealing with medical bills for her disabled children.8. Challenges and Misconceptions: The conversation highlights the challenges of maintaining authenticity in a profit-driven environment like Silicon Valley and the potential cynicism that can arise.9. Connecting and Networking Tips: Steve's tips for effective networking include listening to others, understanding their needs, and introducing them to valuable resources or connections.10. Reflection on Serving Others: Reflecting on the impact of service, Steve shares a story from his youth about financial advice that shaped his understanding of long-term benefits from short-term acts of service.How to Develop Super-Connecting As a SuperpowerSummary of Superpower:Steve Ramona’s superpower is his exceptional ability to connect people. He uses this talent to build meaningful relationships and networks that bring value and opportunities to others, enhancing both personal and professional growth.Illustrative Story:One powerful story Steve shared was about his experience at his family's health club. At 18, he built relationships with the club members, including Tony, a financial advisor, who advised him to save 10% of his income. Following this advice led to Steve amassing $68,000 by the time he was 28. This early lesson in the value of connecting and serving others profoundly influenced his approach to life and business.Tips for Developing the Superpower:1. Practice Servant Mentality: Track your acts of service each week, noting how they made others feel, how they made you feel, and any changes in your week.2. Build Relationships: Focus on genuinely connecting with others, offering value and support without expecting immediate returns.3. Listen Actively: In conversations, prioritize listening to understand others’ needs and how you can help.4. Serve Everyone: From colleagues to competitors, offer your assistance and support wherever possible.5. Document Your Service: Maintain a journal to reflect on your service activities and their impact on your life and the lives of others.By following Steve Ramona’s example and advice, you can make being a super-connector a skill. With practice and effort, you could make it a superpower that enables you to do more good in the world.Remember, however, that research into success suggests that building on your own superpowers is more important than creating new ones or overcoming weaknesses. You do you!Guest ProfileSteve Ramona (he/him):Host, Doing Business with a Servant's HeartAbout Doing Business with a Servant's Heart: We are a Podcast show supporting businesses with servant hearts.Website: servinginbusinesspodcast.comX/Twitter Handle: @oppbrokerBiographical Information: Steve Ramona, a unique super-connector, specializes in building partnerships through his personalized introductions. These introductions are emails and include video explanations, adding a personal touch to each connection. Steve's introductions have been incredibly successful, resulting in 25 million dollars in deals over the past 11 years. This track record speaks volumes about the value he brings to each connection.Steve has a podcast, Doing Business with a Servant's Heart, with an audience of over 40,000 people per episode.He also has a TV show called Together We Serve, which has a 1.2 million audience monthly. Steve’s shows mostly feature CEOs, founders, Presidents, and Entrepreneurs with incredible stories. Steve finds great people to partner with and introduce partnerships through these shows. Personal Facebook Profile: facebook.com/steveramonaLinkedin: linkedin.com/in/steveramonaInstagram Handle: @bizopportunitynowUpcoming SuperCrowd Event CalendarIf a location is not noted, the events below are virtual.* SuperCrowdChicago, June 12, 2024. This in-person event at Columbia College Chicago features some of Chicago’s prominent citizens and community leaders, along with crowdfunding experts. Use the discount code “SuperCrowd” to save 30 percent!* Impact Cherub Club Meeting hosted by The Super Crowd, Inc., a public benefit corporation, on June 18, 2024, at 1:00 PM Eastern. Each month, the Club meets to review new offerings for investment consideration and to conduct due diligence on previously screened deals. To join the Impact Cherub Club, you must first become an Impact Member of the SuperCrowd.* SuperCrowdHour, June 19, 2024, at 1:00 Eastern. Each month, we host a value-laden webinar for aspiring impact investors or social entrepreneurs. At this month’s webinar, Angela Barbash of Revalue will share insights about moving money from Wall Street to Main Street. Register here.* Recently, we created an AI GPT to help you learn more about The Super Crowd, Inc., a public benefit corporation, and our upcoming events. Click here to try it.SuperCrowd Community Event Calendar* Successful Funding with Karl Dakin, Tuesdays at 10:00 AM ET - Go to Events* Crowdfunding Professional Association Webinar, May 29, 2:00 PM ET* The Reg A & Crowdfunding Conference, June 20, Westchester Country Club (Save 20% with the code Super20)* Crowdfunding Professional Association, Summit in DC, October 22-23* Asheville Neighborhood Economics, November 12-13.If you would like to submit an event for us to share with the 4,500+ members of the SuperCrowd, click here.We use AI to help us write compelling recaps of each episode. Get full access to Superpowers for Good at www.superpowers4good.com/subscribe

Embracing a Servant's Heart in Business: Insights from Steve Ramona

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