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EP 13 : Nothing is ever missing from our lives
EP 13 : Nothing is ever missing from our lives

EP 13 : Nothing is ever missing from our lives

Welcome to my 13th episode on Audiopitara. This episode talks about the beautiful concept of nothing is ever missing. I first came across this concept when I watched a video of Dr. John Demartini. Everything we want is already present in some form of energy. Nature never denies anything. We are the ones who block our desires from manifesting. The roadmap to our desires lies in a relaxed state of mind and to get into the relaxed state we must believe that we already "have" what we want. This is because the energy of the "want state" is very repulsive. I am a follower of OSHO and much of my beliefs spring from his teachings. Let me know what you feel about these beliefs. Here's wishing all your desires manifest !!

EP 13 : Nothing is ever missing from our lives

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