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01 How do you say you are in periods?
01 How do you say you are in periods?

01 How do you say you are in periods?

How do you tell you are in periods without saying you are in periods?! Taboo as the subject is, women have been using code-words to tell they are in their menstrual period for centuries. Women from the coastal Konkan region use the expression, “I’ve got brushed by a crow,” bringing out the widely held linking of a crow to something impure or unholy. Women in cities also sometimes refer to it as “it’s my birthday today!” In this first episode, I chat with fellow women living in different parts of Maharashtra, my home state, to find out how they refer to the fact that they are in their periods. Listen in to know the fun words used to describe periods. “मला पाळी आली आहे” हे न सांगताही तुम्ही कसं सांगता?  पाळी आल्यावर जवळच्यांना ते सांगण्यासाठी बायका वेगवेगळे कोड वर्ड्स वापरतात. कोकणातल्या मुली-बायका “मला कावळा शिवलाय” असं सांगतात तर शहरातल्या मुली “आज माझा बर्थडे आहे.” असं सांगतात. या पहिल्या एपिसोडमध्ये मी महाराष्ट्राच्या वेगवेगळ्या भागांत राहणाऱ्या माझ्या मैत्रिणींशी बोलले आहे. पाळी हा शब्द न उच्चारता स्त्रिया आणि मूली पाळी आली आहे सांगण्यासाठी कोणते वेगळे गंमतीशीर शब्द वापरतात ते ऐकूया. 

01 How do you say you are in periods?

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