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Pehli Mulaquat #1
हमारे चीत पर बचपन से कई हज़ार बातें अपनी निशानीयां छोड़ जाती हैं । जीवन की जिद्दोजहद में कैसे हम खुद हिरो बनें और हम न हो तो कैसै किसी सच्चे ऐसे हिरो से प्रेरित होकर बन जाये । ये मेरा पोडकास्ट, ‘ चीत की बात आरती नागपाल के साथ आपको एक ऐसी ही दिशा में ले जायेगा । Impressions .. After living half of my life, I have come to a point of understanding, how impressions leave a mark on our whole existence. There is nothing good & bad about them. Impressions takes place by our own choices. In this podcast of mine, I am going to highlight those impressions which made ‘zero a hero’. There are two types of people - some by the harshness of life turn in to dark beings, and some by a similar experience become light. Those people who shine through their darkness become iconic for themselves & their surroundings. The surrounding can be your family, your society, your country or the whole world. It first begins within our family. In my life there have been multiple number of HEROES who made me who I am today. Their bad treatment made me choose light. I have used hate, pain, torture, trauma, heart break, insults, lack, etc as my ingredients to cook this delicious meal called success which I cherish daily with a huge number of fans. My point of emphasising on this is that I want such HEROS on my podcast It can be any one - a commoner, whom press and media hasn’t printed but who has transformed his life in to a successful journey. He or she has helped themselves first then their surroundings to light up & lift their morals. Numbers may vary but impact is important. I want to bring that light through my podcast in your life. Just to remind you in a simple way that anything is possible with practical examples. Not by theory but by real struggles of real people who are in their own life - HEROES. This has been my dream since years, but now I am initiating it with this first step. I love you all like my family on all different social media platforms, now I want to be a part of your real growth. Let us shine bright together and help each other transform into the power we are. Let us become LOVE!
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