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Renowned Art Director Bijon Das Gupta | 400 Films of Bollywood #6
Renowned Art Director Bijon Das Gupta | 400 Films of Bollywood #6

Renowned Art Director Bijon Das Gupta | 400 Films of Bollywood #6

आपका व्यक्तित्व आपके जीवन के प्रति आपका दृष्टिकोण कैसा है उससे बनता हैं । उतार चढ़ाव जीवन हैं, आप इस नैया के केसों नाविक है उसका महत्व हैं । किनारे रहकर इसकी गहराई आप माप नहीं पाओगे, डूबकर उभरोगे तो कहानी बन जाओगे । ४०० से भी अधिक फ़िल्मों का कला निर्देशन करने के बाद आज भी जीवन के संघर्ष से पीछे नहीं हटने वाले बिजोनदास गुप्ता जी के साथ आइये सुनते हैं ऊनकी जीवन कहानी संक्षिप्त में । The essence of life is in how you make it look beautiful when its tide is rough, wind is strong and you are the only one sailing in the middle of the sea of life. It was a rich experience talking to Bijon Da about his journey of life, man who laughs and makes every one laugh in each and every situation. True example of taking life with a pinch of salt. Happy Go lucky is the right address to call the very talented Art Director of Bollywood, who has done more than 400 films and still the batting is on, as executive producer and very soon Director. Listen to him on all platforms on my podcast Chitt ki baat Aartii Naagpal ke Saath.

Renowned Art Director Bijon Das Gupta | 400 Films of Bollywood #6

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