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Cold War Conspiracies in Your Kitchen:  Lizzie No Tells All About Yoo-Hoo
Cold War Conspiracies in Your Kitchen:  Lizzie No Tells All About Yoo-Hoo

Cold War Conspiracies in Your Kitchen: Lizzie No Tells All About Yoo-Hoo

Being denied sodas and sugary drinks as a child gave Sloane a particular affinity for unusual beverages, so a backstage conversation with Lizzie No inspired this conversation about 90s beverages from around the world. From New York to France, to somewhere in Eastern Europe, this week’s podcast is a trip down memory lane and the globe.  A few highlights include a debate on if Yoo-Hoo was ever fizzy, and a conspiracy theory about Yoo-Hoo and the Cold War — it’s not what you’d think! Plus, what is the perfect shade of chocolate milk, and what makes the better real chocolate milk: Nestle Quik powder or Hershey’s syrup? Beyond the milk, Lizzie No and Sloane travel in their memories to England, France, and Queens, NY before returning to chat about Lizzie No’s recent musical projects including a release of her EP Holidays, the Basic Folk podcast, and her upcoming work on the Black Opry Revue at the legendary Exit/In in Nashville, Tennessee in December.   List of links Lizzie No Lizzie No’s Instagram Black Opry Revue tickets Basic Folk podcast Beverage mentions Four Loko  Yoo-Hoo Orangina Free Rain Eastern European cherry soda in Astoria, Queens  Strawberry Nesquik (previously named Nestle Quik, not a carbonated beverage) Don’t forget to give Bubble Bottles a five star rating!  Sneak peeks, outtakes, and bonus episodes available on Patreon.com/BubbleBottles. DISCLAIMER:  These comedy episodes are for fun and are based solely on personal opinions of the host and/or guest, and do not claim to be fully factual or anything other than a belching good time. AI Transcript Lizzie No  0:09  This topic is hilarious and great to me. Sloane Spencer  0:12  I'm obsessed with weird stuff and I didn't even know about your Instagram when I asked you this question. Lizzie No  0:18  Oh my god yeah, I was just thinking of you a moment ago because I made carat and collagen smoothie for drinks that I chose to actually talk about when you asked me is like the actual opposite of what like in a beverage and that's the you know, the space between that's interesting. It's a hot mess Express Sloane Spencer  0:40  Well, hey y'all Aslan Spencer here and you found us it is a bubble bottles and one of our fun new podcast where I asked music people what's your favorite carbonated beverage now a little loose on it here and favorite can sometimes have some serious air quotes around it. Today I'm talking with someone who I just recently saw at an amazing music festival if you can imagine an entire music festival full of well partied folks silently listening to every word a musician saying that's what happened when Lizzie no took the stage. So as you know, has a great EP that came out in 2020 called holidays. You should definitely check it out Lizzy no.com, also the co host of a great podcast called Basic folk. Welcome. Lizzie No  1:22  Thank you so much for having me Sloane. I'm just pumped to kind of continue our backstage conversation from albinos gunk. Sloane Spencer  1:29  Totally. So for those of y'all who don't know, I am obsessed with weird beverages. I like regional beverages, ones that like maybe aren't made anymore international beverages all kinds of someone's like, really, you drank that? But I see out when I travel. And I've discovered I'm not the only one. Lizzie No  1:47  Oh no, I consider myself a bed clean. But I tend to like focus on the smoothie, kombucha health side of things. But I can also be known to dabble in like a weird, awful corn syrup concoction. Sloane Spencer  2:02  So if you want to see some of the range of this you should definitely check out Lizzy knows Instagram. There's a whole segment dedicated to beverages. Lizzie No  2:10  Yes, I do a highlight on like my different smoothie creations and then weird sodas I come across in New York. Sloane Spencer  2:16  I'm a fan of the weird soda. I did my first cross country bus tour when I was a teenager.

Cold War Conspiracies in Your Kitchen: Lizzie No Tells All About Yoo-Hoo

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