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Pau Hana - How to Detach From Work
Pau Hana - How to Detach From Work

Pau Hana - How to Detach From Work

This week we learn from Native Hawaiian wisdom in the concept of “pau kahana,” which means “the work is done” (most people simply say, “pau hana”).The concept of pau kahana is more than just stating a fact, like “I’m off work now.” I’ve noticed that mykanaka - Indigenous Hawaiian - friends create a very distinct separation between work and personal life. So it’s not just about stopping work, but also engaging in practices that help us release the day’s burdens and shift gears.It’s a holistic mental, physical, and spiritual detachment from work after the workday ends that also allows us to shed the day’s burdens and shift gears.We’ll explore how this Indigenous wisdom is so important in today’s modern society, where it’s so hard to unplug from the demands of a world where work is only a smartphone away. I’ll share lots of helpful ideas to start your own pau kahana practice, including clear boundaries, connection to nature, people, and play. You will learn:// How to counteract the pressures of modern industrialized society as work is increasingly enmeshed in our personal lives// What pau kahana means in Native Hawaiian culture… and how this Indigenous wisdom helps us release the day’s burdens// The physical and mental benefits of detaching from work at the end of each day// The key elements for creating our own ritual to help disengage from workResources:// Episode 96: Unplugging in an Uncertain World// Episode 194: Work - Survival Dance or Sacred Offering// Episode 212: Privilege on the Spiritual Path// Donate to the Hawai’i People’s Fund - an excellent organization supporting Hawai’i based grassroots organizations and fighting systems of oppression // I’d love to hear from you! You can leave a review on the Rebel Buddhist Podcast on iTunes by clicking here   // If you’re not already there, Come join us at Freedom School. You can start the mindset class, get coached by me multiple times a month… It's amazing! This month, we're going into writing our life story. You know, the old story that you're so fucking tired of playing to yourself and hearing yourself. Exactly. Done with that. Let's write a new story. That's what this month is all about and Freedom School. So come join us. Go to joinfreedomschool.com// If you’re new to the squad, grab the Rebel Buddhist Toolkit I created at RebelBuddhist.com. It has all you need to start creating a life of more freedom, adventure, and purpose. You’ll also get access to the Rebel Buddhist private group, and tune in every Wednesday as I go live with new inspiration and topics.

Pau Hana - How to Detach From Work

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