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35 Nothing good will ever happen to you if you never leave your house
35 Nothing good will ever happen to you if you never leave your house

35 Nothing good will ever happen to you if you never leave your house

Nothing good will ever happen to you if you never leave your house. 如果你永远不出门,好事决不会发生在你身上。Before my evening flight back to Barcelona, I also booked several cooking classes making pizza, tiramisu and pasta, as well as a walking tour in downtown Rome. Luckily, the classes connected seamlessly. I had a full schedule and I made several friends who I still keep in touch with till this day.在回去巴塞罗那的晚上班机之前,我在罗马市区预定了几堂制作Pizza、提拉米苏、和意大利面的课程,还有一个在市中心的徒步之旅,幸运的是这些课程都连接的天衣无缝呢,让我一整天都行程滿滿的,而且还交了几个至今我们还保持联系的朋友。That was the end of my journey in Europe. I had so many beautiful memories and had seen most of the cities I was eager to visit. I had met the people I wanted to meet and also got together with some friends before I went back to Taiwan. 这就是我在欧洲旅行的终点了。我拥有好多美丽的回忆,还看到了许多我曾经渴望拜访的城市。在我回台湾前还见了许多我一直想见又和一些朋友重逢。After I got back to Taiwan, I had some quality time with my family and then I was figuring out where I would like to go after I had some much-needed rest. Then the pandemic hit. A lot of my friends in Europe were suffering from the sudden change in their lives and restrictions on things that previously seemed normal. I only talked to a few of my hosts briefly however they seemed quite low and there was a point at which it felt like the world was ending. At this time, a lot of people in Europe and other countries died from this horrible disease and many more were stuck on their computers and within their homes for weeks on end. 回到台湾后,我和家人共度了一些美好的优质时光,然后在我充分休息正要计划着下一站要去哪里的时候,新冠肺炎的大流行蔓延各地。我在欧洲的朋友都因为这个在他们生命中的突然转变和生活受到的限制而受苦着。我仅仅和几个曾经接待过我的沙发主人说话,然而他们都心情低落也感觉世界好像就要灭绝了。因为在那个时候,在欧洲和许多国家有许多人死于这个可怕的疾病,还有许多人待在家里被电脑给困住不知道多久了。Now in hindsight, I am really glad I took the trip. I really am. Though it was hard and I was exhausted from the trip, I followed my heart, and I didn’t waste time. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to create so many beautiful stories to tell. I saw so many beautiful sights and scenery however I was most interested in the people who lived there. At this point, I don’t know when the world will be normal and safe to travel again. It’s very possible that we will have to continue to travel with caution and socially distance from people we meet from now on. Back when I was traveling, these ideas never crossed my mind. 现在我回头看,我真的很高兴那时我启程了。虽然路途很辛苦,我也精疲力竭,但我一路跟随着我的心所以也没有浪费时间。不然我就不会有机会制造和说这么多美丽的故事。我看到了许多美丽的风景,然而我最有兴趣的还是住在那里的人。此刻,我并不清楚何时这个世界会回归正常并能够再度旅行。也很有可能从此之后,我们必须要继续小心的旅行着并保持社交距离。而这些是我在旅行的时候,从来没有想过的。I was used to flying all the time, and I even created a brand for myself called Fly with Lily. However, the train made it so easy to travel to nearby countries. The eurail ticket was also a money saver too and I took 56 rides with a two month pass, which came to around 900 euros. 我以前总是不停的到处飞,我甚至开创了一个品牌叫做「和Lily一起飞」。然而,这个火车旅行让我们可以更方便的到邻近的国家去旅行。环欧火车的通票也非常的划算,让我省了不少钱,在两个月的旅程中,我用900欧元搭乘了56趟火车,和横跨了10个国家呢。At the end of my journey, I saw how far I had come from when I first thought about the idea of traveling around Europe by train. These thoughts developed after a conversation with my good English friend in Barcelona, Greg, who suggested that train travel was a great way to leave a smaller carbon footprint than flights and was more environmentally friendly. He had lived in Sweden for almost twenty years and even shared that some Northern Europeans advocated “Flight Shame”.  He jokingly told me that maybe I should stop encouraging people to “fly” since I was building my personal brand “Fly with Lily”.  Over the years while I was traveling around the globe, I became more aware of the impact of my actions on the place I lived in and I felt inspired by Greg to try this new approach for myself. When we can travel again, I would love to try more train journeys in different countries and continents. My experiences convinced me that this method of travel is not only more environmentally friendly but that there are so many exciting adventures to be had. At the top of my list is traveling around China by train, experiencing the many sides of this vast country and sharing what I see with my loyal listeners. 在旅行的最后,我终于能看到从一开始有这个想要用火车旅行的想法是如何一路支持我美梦成真。这些想法在我和我在巴塞罗那的英国好朋友,Greg的建议下而促使了行动,Greg在瑞典居住了将近二十年的时间,有次他告诉我北欧正在进行一个叫做“飞行耻(Flight Shame) ”的活动,说火车旅行比飞机旅行更要能减少碳排量还能更环保。他开玩笑地告诉我或许我应该要停止鼓励人去“飞”。在这几年的环球旅行中,我的确更有意识到我的行为是如何影响我居住的地方。而且我也被Greg给鼓舞到了,并也想要尝试用新的方式来影响地球。如果我们又可以开始旅行了,我会想要在更多不同的国家和大陆进行更多的火车旅行。我的经验也让我更加确信这样的旅行方式不仅更环保,还可以创造更多的冒险经验。在我的愿望清单上,中国会是我未来最想要用火车来旅行的国家,也希望可以用这样的方式看到这个广大国家的更多不同面向,并且和我重视的听众们来分享我所看到的。

35 Nothing good will ever happen to you if you never leave your house

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