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28 If you never go you'll never know
28 If you never go you'll never know

28 If you never go you'll never know

我的网站:flywithlily.com 注册下载我给你的小礼物吧!或直接和我预约一个免费咨询一个人在布达佩斯的旅行不寂寞 |环欧火车旅行第22集If you never go you'll never know. 如果你不去,你永远不会知道。The original plan was interrupted and changed as a result of Palli’s sudden visit. I dropped my plans to visit Berlin and some cities in Poland however it was well worth it. Even though he was no longer by my side, his kindness and sweetness would always stay in my heart. I was grateful to have met him on my journey.原本的计划因为冰岛的Palli突然的来访而中断了。虽然放弃了去参观柏林还有一些波兰的城市,然而却很值得。他已经不在我的身旁,但他的好和贴心会一直长存在我心中。我非常感谢在我的旅程中遇见他。It was definitely nice to get together with Palli however saying goodbye to him left me feeling sad and emotionally drained. I asked Rikke, my friend in Copenhagen, if I could stay with her one more night to recover my energy. I asked to cook for her to thank her for her kindness the other day too. Rikke was so sweet and prepared chicken and vegetables for both of us and I cooked beef dumplings that evening. We also watched a documentary about Peru, where I had visited that May, and shared some wine together. My soul really needed this space and time to recharge and recover. As I grew as a traveler, I learned to be independent but also knew when to depend on others too. 可以和Palli聚在一起的确是很棒,然而说再见也让我感觉伤心还有留下我在情感中感觉枯竭。我问我在哥本哈根的朋友Rikke是否可以再让我和她一起住一晚上去恢复我的能量。我想要为她煮饭,并且谢谢她几天前的接待。Rikke好贴心,为我们俩准备了鸡肉和蔬菜而我则是在那一晚做牛肉饺子。因为我五月才去了一趟秘鲁,所以我们一起看了一部有关秘鲁的纪录片,一边共享一些红酒。我的灵魂的确需要这个空间和时间去充电还有恢复。随着旅行一直在成长,我不仅学会了独立,也学会知道什么时候应该要仰赖别人。I decided to take a cheap flight to Budapest the next day, so I could skip a day on the train. My host in Budapest was very nice and offered to pick me up at the airport. Though he charged a small fee (25 euros), I thought it was pretty fair. The host, Peter, lived a semi-retired life by trading in the morning and doing airbnb business on the side. In his free time, he was interested in energy healing work, so he also offered Reiki and massage to his friends. He also ran a tour business, so I was happy to support and I bought a tour bus ticket and also a ticket to the famous hot spring from him. After all, he gave me a private bedroom to stay in his beautiful apartment in downtown Budapest. That was very generous and sweet, and he also cooked breakfast for me the next morning. 我决定隔天要搭廉价的航空去布达佩斯,这样我就可以省掉好几天坐火车的时间。我在布达佩斯的沙发主人非常的好,他还提供了来机场接我。虽然他收一点小小的费用(25欧元),我觉得也是很公道。Peter是我的沙发主,他是一个借着白天在炒股,一边经营民宿过着半退休的生活。在他的空闲时间,他对能量医疗的工作非常感兴趣,所以他也对他的朋友提供灵气和按摩的服务。他也经营一个旅行事业,所以我也非常高兴可以支持他,我从他那边买了一张巴士券还有一张去他们那边最有名的温泉门票。毕竟,他让我在他市中心美丽的公寓中的私人房间住两晚。我觉得他非常的慷慨和贴心,甚至隔天还做了早餐给我吃。Budapest was big and extremely beautiful. It was right to get the bus ticket because I could navigate around the city quickly. When I’m traveling, I usually don’t really care too much about checking out the sights. I like to wander and absorb the energy of the city and love seeing where fate takes me. The food was also very inexpensive in Budapest and I especially enjoyed the pastries a lot.  I had a huge sweet bread roll called trdelnik for 3 euros and a croissant with pistachio paste for 2.5 euros. Trdelnik is very popular in different countries in Central Europe and the warmth, sugar and flavour are perfect on a cold winter day. 布达佩斯很大而且也非常的美。买巴士票券是正确的,因为这样我就可以快速的在城市中导览。当我在旅行的时候,我真的不是非常在意要去看哪些景点。我喜欢到处乱走,然后吸收整个城市的能量,然后也看看命运会带我去哪里。在布达佩斯的食物也非常的便宜,我特别喜欢他们的糕点。我花了3欧元吃了一个好大的叫trdelnik的甜面包卷,还用2.5欧吃一个夹着开心果酱的可颂面包。Trdelnik是在中欧许多不同国家非常热门的一种面包,它的热气、糖霜还有口味非常适合在寒冷的冬天里享用。I didn’t know if it was because I was alone or what, but time seemed really slow. I guess maybe I was still recovering after separating from Palli. In two days, I visited the most scenic spots in Budapest, went to the hill, went on a boat ride, and also visited the famous hot spring palace. Sometimes people say it must be lonely to travel by yourself, but for me, I quite enjoy my own company. I could still see my host and share food and chat in the evening so it was a good balance.  我并不清楚是不是因为我一个人还是怎么样,时间似乎过得很慢。我想,我可能还在与Palli的分离中恢复中。就在两天内,我参观了在布达佩斯最美丽的景点,去了小山坡还坐了船,甚至还到了他们那里最富盛名的春天宫殿泡了温泉。有些人说,一个人旅行一定很寂寞吧,可是对于我,我倒是挺享受一个人的。反正我晚上还可以和我的沙发主一起分享食物和聊天,所以我认为这是一个很好的平衡。Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing interesting stories that occured in Bratislava, Slovakia.敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在斯洛伐克的首都布拉提斯拉瓦旅行的有趣故事。

28 If you never go you'll never know

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