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26 Your wings already exist
26 Your wings already exist

26 Your wings already exist

Your wings already exist. All you have to do is fly. 你的翅膀已经存在,你要做的就是飞翔。I had a new couchsurfing host since I hadn’t been able to contact my original host in Hamburg. I arrived at Himanshu’s apartment and he greeted me warmly at his door. Then I learnt that Himanshu himself had just arrived in this apartment a few hours ago from India, and that this was actually his first day in the apartment! He said he had just relocated to Hamburg because of work and that his company had arranged everything for his stay. He was happy to share with travelers like me and he could use some company. His apartment was spacious and really modern, and I felt really lucky to be the first guest he received at his house. He was really welcoming and nice too. 因为无法联系上汉堡原先的沙发主,所以我找了另外一个沙发主来借宿给我。当我抵达了Himanshu的家他很热情的在家门口招呼我。然后我才发现原来Himanshu几个小时前才从印度抵达了自己在德国汉堡的公寓,而且这是他在这个公寓的第一天。他说,他刚刚才因为工作搬到汉堡,然后他的公司为他安排了所有住宿的细节。他非常开心可以和像我一样的旅行者分享,因为他觉得或许他也会需要有伴。他的公寓好宽敞又时髦,对于成为他在这个家第一个被接待的客人,我感到十分地幸运。他也非常的好客和亲切。I finally got in touch with my original host, Sam, who was really apologetic because he had given me the wrong number and wanted to make up by showing me around Hamburg before I left for Copenhagen. It turned out that he was really witty, fun and lovely to talk to as well, so I quickly forgave him for what happened. He was very knowledgeable about Hamburg and took me to many beautiful places and areas to visit.  That day was also a clear and nice day unlike the gloomy weather the day before. Hamburg had many bridges and water around it so it felt really beautiful to walk around. 另外,我终于联系到我原本在汉堡的沙发主Sam,充满歉意的他告诉我原来无法联系上他的原因是因为他不小心给了错误的号码,他想要在我前往哥本哈根之前,带我在汉堡逛逛来弥补我。见到他本人后,我感觉他真的很聪明、有趣又好笑,所以我很快的就原谅他了。他对于汉堡也是非常的熟知,带我去好多美丽的地方和地区去逛逛。那天天气晴朗不像前一天的天气那样阴郁湿冷。汉堡市里有好多小桥和水域,所以到处走走是非常美丽的经验。The nine people I met in Germany were so amazing and that reminded me of something I often shared in my podcast. There are no strangers; only friends you haven’t met. They were so kind and sweet, and the hustle and bustle of Germany didn’t bother me anymore. Due to the friendly people I met there and the beautiful scenery, I left with a very good impression of Germany!所以在德国遇到的九个人都好棒,而且真的提醒了我常常在播客分享的一句格言:陌生人只是你尚未认识的朋友。他们都好善良和贴心,所以原先德国市区繁忙的景象已经不再让我烦心。也由于这些友善的人和美丽的景色,让我对德国的印象真的好好!Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing interesting stories that occured in Copenhagen, Denmark.敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在北欧哥本哈根旅行的有趣故事。

26 Your wings already exist

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