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25 To travel is to evolve
25 To travel is to evolve

25 To travel is to evolve

我的网站:flywithlily.com 注册下载我给你的小礼物吧!或直接和我预约一个免费咨询Getting lost is not a waste of time, to travel is to evolve. 迷失并不是浪费时间,旅行是一种进化。On the way to the train station in Munich for my trip to Hamburg, I arranged to meet up with my German classmate while studying Spanish in Barcelona, Julia. Munich is her home and she had just got married and was pregnant. It was so nice to meet up with her and share stories together. Though Julia was a lot younger than me, we always had much to talk about when we were back in Barcelona. I really enjoyed her positivity and energy towards life. 在去搭从慕尼黑前往汉堡的火车路途中,我安排和曾经在西班牙巴塞罗那一起学习西语的德国同学Julia见面。慕尼黑是她的家乡,她最近结了婚而且怀孕了。好开心可以见她还有与她一起分享故事。虽然Julia比我年轻很多,当我们在巴塞罗那的时候,我们总有很多话可以说。我很欣赏她的乐观还有在生活中散发的积极能量。Actually before I set off to Hamburg, I had not yet connected successfully with my host there and got none of his replies about my arrival. It was pretty strange. Julia walked me to the station and it also turned out my original train to Hamburg was cancelled. It didn't appear that I could get another train to Hamburg that day. I had to make a very quick decision since the train on the next track going to Berlin was leaving in 15 minutes. I’d planned to see Berlin, but after visiting Copenhagen and Hamburg before that. I quickly hugged Julia goodbye, and jumped on the train to Berlin instead. 其实在我前往汉堡之前,我还没有和我在汉堡的沙发主联系上,他甚至也没有对我即将来临的抵达有任何的回复。这真的很奇怪。Julia和我一起到车站,才发现原本要去汉堡的车子被取消了,而且当时也没有另外可以去汉堡的火车。所以我必须做出一个很快的决定,因为在隔壁的轨道上有一台前往柏林的火车,即将在15分钟后出发了。我是有计划去柏林,然而是在拜访哥本哈根和汉堡之后,但我仍快速的和Julia拥抱说了再见,然后就跳上了去柏林的火车。On this eight-hour train ride to Berlin, I had to figure out where to stay that night and postponed my trip to Hamburg. Luckily, I quickly connected with Yasmine, a Lebanese girl who offered to let me stay at her place. She told me that although she had plans to study that night, she’d love to host me. 在去柏林的这趟要8小时的火车,我得找出在哪里过夜并且将我的汉堡之行延期了。我很快地和Yasmine联系上了,她是一位来自黎巴嫩的女孩,在沙发冲浪网站上提供我住在她家。虽然她告诉我当晚她必须准备考试,仍然她很乐意收留我。The whole train ride felt really long. Although I was sitting in the first class lounge and the train seat was supposed to be comfy, I felt antsy after 6 hours on the train already. The last two hours felt never-ending. Finally I arrived in Berlin and it was already 8.45pm! I had to figure out how to get to Yasmine’s place which was another two connections and a 45 minute subway ride away.这趟旅途感觉十分的漫长,虽然我是在一等座的车厢,车子的座位应该是蛮舒服,但是我在六小时之后已经坐立不安。最后两个小时更是过得好慢。当我终于抵达柏林的时候已经是晚上的八点四十五分!我还得找出要去Yasmine的家,然后又是一趟45分钟加上两次转车的旅程。I have heard people talk about Berlin so many times, and that it has a very colorful hippie spirit. It was already dark and I couldn’t really see what the city was like. However, from the pattern of the seat fabric to the colorful mosaic tiles by the platform, I was already mesmerised. I also felt I had stepped back into the eighties and was reminded of the Beatles and the love affair between John Lennon and Yoko Uno.在我去柏林之前,已经听别人说起柏林好多遍了,而且说柏林是非常多彩具有嬉皮精神的地方。然而我到的时候天色已经好黑,所以我根本看不出这个城市是长成什么样子。但是从在车厢里的座椅的布料花色,到月台间七彩的马赛克瓷砖,我已经目眩神迷了。感觉自己好像不小心踩进了八零年代还让我想起了披头四和约翰蓝侬和小野洋子的恋爱韵事。After getting lost and missing my connections a few times inside the station, I finally found my way to Yasmine’s place. It was pitch dark and I couldn’t see a thing on the road. I was feeling exhausted, starving, and a little bad about Yasmine waiting for me although otherwise I felt extremely calm, peaceful and loved. When I finally arrived at Yasmine’s small cozy studio in the suburbs of Berlin, it was already 10:30pm! What I couldn’t believe was that Yasmine had prepared a table of food for my arrival! There were salads and some fried Lebanese croques. She did not eat with me but I finished everything on the table. 在车站里迷路了好几次又错过了好几次转接的地铁,我终于找到去Yasmine家的路了。路上一片漆黑看不到任何东西,我感觉又累又饿又对于Yasmine在等我感到有点愧疚,然而却又极度平静、祥和和感觉被爱。当我终于抵达了Yasmine位在柏林郊区小小又温暖的一室厅时,时间已经是晚上十点半了!更让我不敢相信的是Yasmine竟然准备了一桌食物等待我的来临。桌上有沙拉还有黎巴嫩的可乐饼,她没有和我一起吃饭而是让我吃光了桌上的所有食物。After dinner, Yasmine also insisted that I sleep in her bed and she crashed on the sofa because it might be a bit small for me. Strangely, I couldn’t sleep a wink even though I was exhausted. It might be my full belly of food, but I guess I was just simply touched by her overwhelming hospitality.晚餐之后,Yasmine还坚持我睡在她的床上她则睡在沙发上,因为她发现她的沙发可能对我来说太小了。奇怪的是,虽然我精疲力竭,我竟然一夜未睡著。可能是因为我肚子里满满的食物,但我猜想是对于她的非常好客的熱情感到十分感动。Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing stories that occured in Hamburg, Germany.敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在德國汉堡發生的有趣故事。

25 To travel is to evolve

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