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24 Memories are timeless treasures of the heart
24 Memories are timeless treasures of the heart

24 Memories are timeless treasures of the heart

我的网站:flywithlily.com 注册下载我给你的小礼物吧!或直接和我预约一个免费咨询Memories are timeless treasures of the heart. 记忆是心灵永恒的财富After Salzburg, I boarded another train to another new city and country for me; Munich, Germany. I was planning to stay for two nights with an Indian couple on couchsurfing who offered to host me. As soon as I arrived in Munich, I noticed how busy and bustling the city was, which was quite different from all the other cities I had visited on this European train journey. Actually it made me think of the city, Taipei, where I used to live but gradually grew out of the longer I lived there. I never really liked Taipei so much because of the busy and fast-paced lifestyle. I had a strange feeling about my first impression of Germany and wasn’t sure if I would like my experiences there.离开萨尔斯堡之后,我坐上了另一台火车去一个新国家和新城市;德国的慕尼黑。我准备入住在沙发冲浪网站上提供我两晚住宿的印度夫妇的家。当我一抵达慕尼黑,我立刻注意这个忙碌又热闹的城市,和我在这次旅行途中参观的城市很不同。事实上让我想到以前住过一阵子城市--台北。因为它忙碌又快速的生活形态,我从来没有真正的喜欢台北。所以德国给我的第一印象给我一个十分奇异的感觉,我不确定我是否会喜欢在这里的体验。I arrived at Vivek’s house. It was after their dinner time on a Friday evening, and Vivek and his wife Swati greeted me with warmth in their living room. Their apartment was basic but I had a couch that they had prepared for me to stay on. They had just been married for a year and moved to Germany because of work. They started using couchsurfing to host people from around the world because they’d found this could actually spice up their mundane routine life after work. I could sense they were both very intelligent people and they were interested in my experiences in making podcasts, as they were interested in starting their own. So I hosted a mini exploration workshop to help them find topics for their podcasts, right there in the living room. 我抵达了Vivek的家,已经是超过了他们晚餐时间的星期五夜晚了,Vivek和他老婆Swati在他们的起居室温暖的招呼我。他们的公寓非常基本,但是他们有一个沙发提供我当晚的住宿。他们才刚结婚一年,然后因为工作搬到德国。他们开始使用沙发冲浪是因为这个活动帮助他们在工作后的平淡生活常规带来些趣味。我可以感觉到他们两人都是非常聪明的人,而且也对我做Podcast播客的经验非常感兴趣。他们也有兴趣开始自己的Podcast播客。所以我就在他们的客厅开始了一个小小的探索工作坊来帮助他们来找到Podcast播客的主题。This interest was very nice to find out about because although they were both engineers in a prestigious German company, they had many interests away from engineering and science. Swati was passionate about handcrafts and helping women back in India, and Vivek really loved walking and connecting with people. They also taught me how to play UNO, the card game, which I lost many times and we laughed a lot. It was a great night. 非常有趣的发现这对夫妻,虽然他们都在德国非常有名的公司担任工程师,然而他们拥有很多与工程和科学并不相关的兴趣。Swati非常热衷手工艺和帮助在印度的女性,然而Vivek很喜欢走路还有与人连结。他们还教我玩UNO牌,然而我却一直输搞得大家都笑成一团。真是一个美好的夜晚。The next day I met up with Sebastian, a local guy who I also connected with through couchsurfing and he suggested that we walk around Munich. It was great since I didn’t feel like navigating through the hustle and bustle of Munich alone. Sebastian was an amazing guide and planned a route which showed me some of the most enjoyable places in Munich and also how distinctive Bavarian culture is within Germany. At lunch, we ordered a pretzel, white sausages, and beer together. I learned the right way to eat German white sausages. If I didn’t have Sebastian’s instructions, I’d never have known how to eat one! The wrap was actually plastic, and I had to peel it with my knife and enjoy cutting it into small pieces to pick up with my fork. I really enjoyed the flavor and thought that it was the best sausage I ever tasted. Unlike the German sausage I had tried before, it had just the right amount of saltiness and tenderness. However, due to my inexperience cutting the sausage, it slipped off my plate and onto the floor whilst peeling it away from the wrapping. Sebastian later teased me about my clumsiness cutting a sausage.隔天我和Sebastian一起见面,他也是我在沙发冲浪连接上的当地人,他建议我们在慕尼黑到处走走。因为我并不想要一个人走在繁忙又热闹的慕尼黑,所以我觉得他的提议真的很棒。Sebastian是个很棒的向导,才一上午他就带我走了一个可以展示我慕尼黑最宜人的景点路线,然后又告诉我巴伐利亚的文化是有多么特别。午餐时,我们一起点了咸脆饼、白香肠和啤酒,我学习如何用正确的方法来吃德国的白香肠。如果我没有Sebastian的指点,我还真的不知道怎么正确的吃德国香肠呢!香肠的肠衣是塑胶的,所以我必须要用我的刀剥它的皮,然后要慢慢的把它切成小块,再用叉子送到嘴里品尝。我真的好喜欢它的味道,而且我认为它是我吃过最好的香肠了。和我往常吃的德国香肠不同,白香肠的咸度和口感都恰到好处。然而因为我实在没有切香肠的经验,在我正在慢慢地给我的白香肠剥皮的时候,它就溜出了我的盘子然后掉在地上了。Sebastian之后一直笑我在切香肠的时候有多么笨拙。After I said goodbye to Sebastian and walked home that Saturday night, I decided to offer to teach the couple how to make vegan dumplings and spring rolls together. They were quick learners and took it very seriously. It was a really enjoyable night sharing food and eating the food we made together.我和Sebastian说再见,然后自己在星期六的晚上走路回家,然后我决定要教这对夫妇如何制作素食的饺子和春卷。他们学得好快而且很认真。那一天我们一边分享一边吃我们共同制作的食物,真的是非常享受的夜晚。Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing stories that occured in Berlin, Germany.敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在德国柏林的故事。

24 Memories are timeless treasures of the heart

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