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22 I was never going to go if I waited for someone to come with me
22 I was never going to go if I waited for someone to come with me

22 I was never going to go if I waited for someone to come with me

我的网站:flywithlily.com 注册下载我给你的小礼物吧!或直接和我预约一个免费咨询I was never going to go if I waited for someone to come with me. 如果要等有人跟我一起才出发,那么我将哪儿也去不了。It had been so cold and rainy since I arrived in Austria, which didn’t always make travelling and trips outside comfortable. When I stayed with people, I really liked to cook a traditional dumpling dish from my culture and this seemed like suitable food for the gloomy weather.  That night in Salzburg, I really wanted to cook something different for my host and so decided to prepare chicken soup for me and my host. This soup recipe had accompanied me throughout my happy and sometimes lonely days living in Spain. The ingredients are packed as bundles to sell in every supermarket in Spain. They usually included celery, carrots, potatoes, leeks and a strange potato-like root that I had just found out was called celeriac (the root of the celery). Since I was on a Eurail journey around Europe, I was glad this bundle could be found in almost every supermarket in Europe, with some minor differences in ingredients from time to time.  从我开始抵达奥地利之后,天气就相当的湿冷,所以在外旅行变得不是太舒适。当我和别人一起共住的时候,我很喜欢煮传统的饺子餐,然后这种食物也特别适合这样阴郁的天气。这晚我抵达了萨尔斯堡,我真的想要为我的沙发主人煮些不一样的东西,所以我决定要准备鸡汤。这个汤的食谱陪伴我在西班牙快乐和有时寂寞的日子。食材是被打包一捆一捆在每一个西班牙的超市都可以看到。通常里面有芹菜、胡萝卜、土豆、大葱,还有一种我现在找出名字来的像土豆一样的芹菜根,。当我在进行环欧的火车旅行,我很开心看到这个汤包蔬菜捆,在全欧洲的每个超市都可以找得到,有时候会因为地方不同而食材会有些微不同。After I arrived at Salzburg, I immediately went to the supermarket to pick up some chicken legs and the soup bundle and texted my host Christian that I would make soup for him that night. When he picked me up at the station, he particularly complimented my gesture of making food for him. He said he had been trying to help as many travelers as he could coming to Salzburg with low budgets by offering his place for people to stay in Salzburg, which has been listed the most beautiful city on Lonely Planet and had hotel prices reflecting this status. 当我一抵达萨尔斯堡,我立刻就去超市去购买鸡腿还有这个汤包蔬菜捆,然后传简讯给我的沙发主Christian说那晚我会做汤给他喝。当他来车站接我的时候,他特地赞美我做菜给他的举动。他说因近年来,萨尔斯堡被列为寂寞星球旅游导览书中最美丽的城市后,旅馆的价格也居高不下,所以他提供他的住所来帮助更多的旅客用低的预算来参观萨尔斯堡。Christian was very well-traveled and enjoyed helping travelers through couchsurfing, unlike some male hosts that I saw on couchsurfing who only wished to host female travelers. Christian would receive male or female couchsurfers, and sometimes even more than one traveler in his house. He said most of the time they would just eat separately. Some even would empty his food cabinet. So he was very touched that I offered to cook. Truth to be told, I was simply happy to be able to cook and share my comfort food with someone in a strange city. Not to mention that he was also kind enough to offer me a comfy futon in his cozy living room to sleep on.Christian旅行的经验很多,也很享受用沙发冲浪来帮助旅客,不像我看到有一些男性的沙发主,只愿意接待女性的游客,Christian会接待男性或女性的游客,有时在家里甚至接待超过一人。他说,大部分的时间他们都是分开吃饭,有时后他们甚至会吃空他的食物储藏柜。所以对于我说要煮饭给他吃,它相当的感动。老实说,我仅仅是因为可以在这个陌生的城市料理和分享这些安慰我的食物而感到开心。更不要说他还那么好心地在他温暖的客厅给我一个舒服的沙发睡。After dinner, Christian went out to buy a bottle of red wine instead of us going out in the rain even though the weather outside was still quite miserable. We chatted and shared travel stories together over a few glasses. Though it was a cold and rainy night in Salzburg, the stories, food, wine and good company really warmed me. I stayed two nights at Christian’s place and cooked dumplings again on the second night. I think it was so important for me to be able to reciprocate back to the people who hosted me. Even if I didn’t get the chance to offer something back, I would also pass down the goodwill to the next hosts or guests I receive. 晚餐后,因为外面的天气实在还是很糟糕,所以我们不出门,Christian出门去买一瓶红酒。我们一起喝几杯,聊天还有分享许多旅行故事。虽然那天晚上在萨尔斯堡是个又冷又下雨的夜晚,那些故事、食物、酒还有好的同伴真的很温暖我。我在Christian家里待了两晚,然后在第二个晚上我做了饺子。我认为让我可以回报接待我的人真的很重要,若当时没有机会给什么东西出去,我也会将这个好意传递到我下一个沙发主,或者是我接待的下一个沙发客。Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story of finally meeting up with someone who I only chatted once online in person in Salzburg.敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在萨尔斯堡见网友的故事。

22 I was never going to go if I waited for someone to come with me

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