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21 We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us
21 We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us

21 We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us

我的网站:flywithlily.com 注册下载我给你的小礼物吧!或直接和我预约一个免费咨询We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us. 我们旅行不是为了逃避生活,而是为了不让生活逃避我们。I set out on my journey and left Lucerne with wonderful memories with my kind host Josh. That day I was off to a new country, Austria. The train ride from Lucerne to Innsbruck was three hours and the time flew by while I was busy enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way and making a vlog. It was cold and rainy when I finally arrived at the station in Innsbruck, and my couchsurfing host was already waiting for me in his car.这天我带着我美丽的回忆离开了瑞士鲁森前往另一个新国家:奥地利。从鲁森到因斯布鲁克的火车车程好美,我忙着一边拍照和用视频记录,三个小时过得飞快。当我抵达到目的地因斯布鲁克的火车站,天气又湿又冷,然而我的沙发主人已经在车子里等我。I was immediately greeted in very fluent Mandarin by Felix, a tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed young man who’s German born and had studied Mandarin for only a year. He showed me downtown Innsbruck. I was impressed to see how he insisted on using Mandarin and wanted to learn new words and phrases along the way.  Felix had his own online business selling membership to people who wanted to use the maps he created for mountain biking. Felix在德国出生,是个身材高挑、金发蓝眼的年轻人,才学了一年中文的他,立刻用很流畅的中文和我打招呼。他带着我在因斯布鲁克市中心参观,我马上对他坚持用中文和我介绍印象深刻,一路上还不时的想要学习新词和词汇。Felix拥有自己的线上生意,在贩卖想要使用他制作的登山脚踏车地图的会籍。Felix and I were about the same age and we had much to talk about business, traveling, and relationships. Felix was a very outdoorsy person but that day in Innsbruck, the weather was too miserable to go out. I made dumplings and Felix made some hot wine at my request. So we were just talking and sharing food and drinks together on the sofa. We even binge-watched a whole series of Taiwanese soap operas. Felix said he had some trouble understanding Mandarin with a Taiwanese accent, though he found the storyline of the series we had just watched quite funny. Felix和我差不多大,所以我们聊了很多有关生意、旅行还有情感关系的话题。Felix是一个非常喜欢户外活动的人,然而那天在因斯布鲁克,天气实在太糟了所以我们无法出门。所以我做了饺子,Felix则在我的要求下做了热红酒。当我们一起在沙发上享受食物还有酒的时候,我们甚至还连续看了好几集台湾的偶像剧。Felix说有点听不懂台湾口音的中文,然而他认为剧集的情节相当的有趣。Felix was quite an open book who willingly shared a lot of his life with me and we immediately became friends after only one day. He was very kind, helping me carry my heavy luggage and waiting for the bus with me in the snow the next morning when I departed to Salzburg. We have kept in touch to this day, and Felix even moved to Taiwan during the pandemic! He visited me in my hometown Kaohsiung when he first arrived in Taiwan which was really sweet. It also shows that the friendships made through couchsurfing could be long lasting and profound. It was so lovely to see that he enjoyed life in Taiwan and made many friends here after arriving.Felix像一本打开的书般,不太保守自己的秘密,很愿意和我分享很多关于他的生活,所以我们很快的就在一天内成为朋友了。他真的人非常的好心,隔天早上我要前往萨尔斯堡,他在雪中还帮我提我很重的行李,陪我等待去车站的巴士。我们直到今天都还保持联系,Felix甚至还在新冠肺炎大流行的时候,搬到了台湾。他一抵达台湾就立刻到我的家乡--高雄来拜访我让我觉得十分贴心。这又显示在沙发冲浪网站的友谊是可以长长久久又有意义。看他在抵达到台湾之后的生活交到了许多朋友我感觉非常的棒。Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story of sharing my comfort food -- a Spanish soup which helped me through my days in Spain with my host in Salzburg.敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享我在萨尔斯堡和我的沙发主人分享我的暖心食物--西班牙汤的故事。

21 We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us

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