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Most of the time, beauty lies in the simplest of things
Most of the time, beauty lies in the simplest of things

Most of the time, beauty lies in the simplest of things

我的网站:flywithlily.com 注册下载我给你的小礼物吧!或直接和我预约一个免费咨询Most of the time, beauty lies in the simplest of things. 大多数时候,美存在于最简单的事物中。It was actually really nice to be able to go to the hosts’ place after my day’s visit. It gets dark really quickly during winters in Europe, usually before the end of the working day around 5pm. The weather was often miserably cold and rainy; just the sort of weather for returning to the host’s place where we either shared food or I cooked for them. 事实上,可以在一天的游览完毕时,回到我沙发主人的家感觉真的很好。在欧洲的冬天天黑的很快,差不多在一天结束工作之前就会全黑了。天气也经常很冷又下雨。当天公不作美的时候,回到主人家可以一起分享食物或者我煮饭给他们吃,实在太棒了。This time in Switzerland I even had the opportunity to share amazing special food from my hosts, like Matthew in Bern who taught me how to make Raclette, which looks like Swiss Grill with cheese using a special oven. While I stayed with Josh in Lucerne, who’s from Hawaii but lived in Switzerland for many years, he made lao lao, a Hawaiian meal wrapped with taro leaves. It was really impressive. I will never forget its fragrance and taste. It was so delicious too. 这次在瑞士我有幸能享受到来自我沙发主人许多美味又特别的食物,像是在Bern的Matthew教我如何吃Raclette,一种用使用特别烤盘和用奶酪制作的瑞士烧烤,还有当我在鲁森和来自夏威夷的Josh一起分享他做的唠唠,是一种用芋头叶子包起来的夏威夷传统食物。真的超级棒。我永远都不会忘记那个香味还有味道。吃起来也十分美味。Saving money and sharing food with Couchsurfers is great, but nothing compared to the rewards of hearing the stories of people who live there and exchanging experiences. For me, it was also an opportunity to share and contribute my experiences and knowledge.利用沙发冲浪的方式来省钱和分享食物虽然很棒,但是分享住在当地人们的生活和交换彼此的经验是什么也比不上的。对于我来说,也是一个可以分享和贡献我经验和知识的机会。Josh was a very special man and he shared many stories with me. He was an artist and was really kind when we met. A few years ago, when Josh was a successful entrepreneur he experienced a tragic family bereavement which left him feeling sad, angry and lost. He made a few big lifestyle changes including moving to Switzerland and was now ready to share his stories so as to help other people heal. I have been a podcaster for many years and I want to use this knowledge to help others too. Over the years I've benefited tremendously by telling my own healing stories, helping others and making a living. One night, we sat down and created a podcast together and organized the ideas. It was a very beautiful moment that I will never forget.Josh是一个非常特别的人,他和我分享了许多故事。他是一个艺术家而且当我们见面的时候非常的友善。几年前,Josh是个成功的生意人却遭遇了一个悲剧般的丧亲事件让他伤心、生气又失落。他做了许多生活型态的大改变,其中包括搬到瑞士来,现在他也准备好分享自己的故事来帮助别人疗愈。我作为一个播主已经多年,而且我也希望用我的知识来帮助别人。几年来,我也受益于讲述自己的疗愈故事,帮助别人来谋生。有一晚,我们就坐下来帮助他创造一个播客然后组织一些想法。那是一个非常美丽,而且让我永远不会忘记的时刻。Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing a story of a well-traveled single mom from Switzerland.敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享一个旅行经验非常丰富的瑞士单亲妈妈的故事。

Most of the time, beauty lies in the simplest of things

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