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Sometimes, I need to go off on my own
Sometimes, I need to go off on my own

Sometimes, I need to go off on my own

我的网站:flywithlily.com 注册下载我给你的小礼物吧!或直接和我预约一个免费咨询Sometimes, I need to go off on my own. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm just recharging my batteries. 有时候,我需要一个人去旅行。我不伤心,我也没有生气,我只是在充电。After thanking Yann for the wonderful hospitality for two days at his home, I decided to go for another scenic adventure, so I jumped on a random train up to the mountain. On the way up, I could see the whole Lake Geneva and the calm beauty truly amazed me. I arrived at the top at a place called Les Pleiades. It looked like a small village for skiing and was completely deserted. No one was getting off and I was reminded by the conductor that the train would start again in an hour. It was early November and it was starting to snow as I walked, tiny flakes of snow gently landing on my hair. For someone from a tropical island, the novelty of snow never wears thin. It was really beautiful and I almost went dancing (or slipping) on the train track with my heavy suitcase and backpack.. I was also feeling desperate for a toilet moment again, which is a strange physical reaction whenever excitement is mixed with the uncertainty of a trip.在谢谢Yann两天在他家的热情款待之后,我决定再去另一个美丽景色的冒险,所以我又跳上随便一台车到山顶。在爬坡的路上,我可以看见日内瓦湖,它的宁静的美丽真令人惊艳。我抵达了这个地方叫Les Pleiades。看起来像是一个滑雪而且完全无人的小镇。没有人下车,然而车掌提醒我再一个小时车会再发动下山。那是11月初,而且当我开始走路了就下雪了,雪花轻轻地降落在我的发梢,对于从热带岛屿来的我,下雪总是让我感觉很新奇。真的很美,我几乎在轨道上边跳舞(或是快跌倒了),我也感觉非常地想要去洗手间,这也是旅行中当我既兴奋又感到有许多不确定的时候会有的生理反应。I went into this small restaurant which was empty and only had two staff working. One of the men was very friendly and let me know that I could use their restroom. The whole atmosphere was immediately relaxing. After the toilet break, I sat down and wondered if I should order something for lunch. I saw the Swiss Fondue on the menu and I was very curious. The waiter did not speak much English but he was very friendly when greeting me and took the time to teach me the finer details of how to enjoy my first Swiss Fondue through his careful coaching. 我进入了小小空空的只有两个服务员在工作的餐厅,有一个男服务员,非常友善立刻让我知道我可以使用他们的洗手间。整个餐厅的气氛立刻就轻松下来了,我从洗手间回来,坐下就纳闷我是否点个午餐来吃。我看到在菜单上有瑞士火锅,我很好奇。服务员虽然说不太多英语,但招呼我非常友善,而且也很仔细教我如何去享用我的第一个瑞士火锅。The Swiss Fondue looked a lot like the “hot pot” we have in Asia, but instead of broth, it was melted cheese. You dip the bread and vegetables in the hot melting cheese, and you could sprinkle pepper on them to add to the flavor. I loved seeing the cheese dripping from my bread when I lifted it away from the pot and it was certainly very delicious and comforting for my tummy. Although I was alone, I truly enjoyed the atmosphere and immersed myself in exploring the new food, with a dream backdrop of a snowy mountain top. 瑞士的火锅看起来就像我们在亚洲吃的火锅,然而他的汤底不是大骨头而是融化的奶酪。你可以用面包和蔬菜沾那热热融化的火锅里的奶酪,然后可以在上面撒一些胡椒增加风味。我非常喜欢看到当我拿起我的面包,奶酪从上面滴下来的样子,而且真的蛮好吃,我的胃也非常的满足。虽然我是一个人,但是我真的很享受沉浸在那个气氛之下而且又有如梦似的山上下雪的背景陪伴着我。It was quite an expensive and simple lunch at 30 Euros but it was worth every cent. With little time to spare from my remaining 30 minutes, I paid for the meal and got on the train to head back down. Then it was time to head off to my next destination which was Bern!虽然是一顿既昂贵又简单的一顿午餐,要价30欧元,但真的每一分都好值得。用着剩下的三十分钟来享受一下,我买单后就接着上车往山下走。然后前往我的下个目的地:伯恩。Stay tuned...there’s much more to come! In the next episode I’ll be sharing another heartwarming Couchsurfing experience in the capital city of Switzerland - Bern.敬请期待,还有好多故事呢!下一集我会和你分享在瑞士首都伯恩感受到的另外一个十分暖心的沙发客体验。

Sometimes, I need to go off on my own

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