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43: Stop the comparison game when you know exactly what you want with Yanely Espinal
43: Stop the comparison game when you know exactly what you want with Yanely Espinal

43: Stop the comparison game when you know exactly what you want with Yanely Espinal

Are you comparing your life with the ones you see on Instagram? Does that leave you feeling like you're not doing enough? Or that something is missing in your life? I do! Today we talked to Yanely about this comparison trap... and how to end! I don't want to keep feeling shitty about my situation, especially when we realize that we probably aren't all working towards the same goals. Instead of continuing to buy stuff we don't want to impress people we don't know or because we think we need it to be happy, let's ask ourselves: what is it that I really WANT from MY life? Once you identify what this is, what we see on Instagram or what people say to us about what we don't have won't phase us. We know what we want and what we're doing to get there. About Yanely: Yanely was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and is one of the first in her family to graduate college. After two decades of school, she still can't believe that she never had a class about making smart money decisions! Now, she's on a mission to help young people learn about personal finance in a fun and engaging way! After completing Teach For America, Yanely paired her love for teaching with her passion for financial literacy, creating a unique YouTube channel for people to engage with topics like budgeting, managing credit, saving and investing for retirement and more! Yanely serves as the Director of Educational Outreach at Next Gen Personal Finance and is a member of CNBC's Financial Wellness Advisory Council. Yanely is also the recent author of Mind Your Money: Insightful Stories and Strategies to Help You Reach Your #MoneyGoals. Learn more about Yanely: https://www.missbehelpful.com/  Follow Yanely on Instagram: @missbehelpful Follow Dannielle on Instagram: @firstgenmoney *The content on this podcast is not intended as financial, tax, or legal advice. All information provided is for educational purposes only.*

43: Stop the comparison game when you know exactly what you want with Yanely Espinal

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