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The One With The Coolest Nerd I Know - Akie Bermiss
The One With The Coolest Nerd I Know - Akie Bermiss

The One With The Coolest Nerd I Know - Akie Bermiss

In the premier episode of the final season of award nominated podcast This Next Song's About, Stevie throws it back to one of their favourite episodes as we take a trip down memory lane with Akie Bermiss, best known for his work as the keys player for the band Lake Street Dive. This episode was originally episode #3 of the podcasts 4 years history originally published October 4th 2018 and marks the beginning of a beautiful friendship between Stevie and Akie and remains a fan favourite episode to this date. Akie (he/him) discusses his song "Space and Time", his sometime-to-be-released science fiction soul opera double album, his children's book, and what it's like being an artist in New York City. ----more---- Akie's Bio: Akie Bermiss with his affable disposition, glasses, and healthy do of cascading dreads that drape down to his shoulders, is unabashedly a self-professed nerd to the nth degree. Since early childhood Akie has been an obsessed science fiction aficionado. Yet he does have an artist-friendly façade and has managed to cultivate and live a double-life as a thriving music protégé, pianist, singer/songwriter, composer, arranger and emerging solo artist and member of Lake Street Dive. Akie is a Brooklyn native raised in a musical household full of jazz and politics fueled by his former- activist mom and dad. He began singing in church, moved it to school for a while, enroute becoming somewhat of a musical chameleon. www.akiebermissmusic.com 

The One With The Coolest Nerd I Know - Akie Bermiss

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