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Episode 135: The Nightmare before Christmas: Does it Hold up?
Episode 135: The Nightmare before Christmas: Does it Hold up?

Episode 135: The Nightmare before Christmas: Does it Hold up?

This week, Andi and Lise discuss the 1993 animated Tim Burton musical film, The Nightmare before Christmas (one of Lise’s faves). This film was nominated for an Oscar but lost out to Jurassic Park that year. Here, Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King and linchpin of Halloween, is searching for something more and ends up trying to replicate Christmas, which does not go over well. Themes of self-discovery, finding community, and realizing your mistakes are interwoven throughout. Creep factor can be a little high, and there were a few problematic element, but overall, it’s still a visually stunning film and ultimately uplifting.  Original trailer LINK HERE.  SHOUT-OUTS: Lise just got another tattoo – shout-out to Matt Terry at Sweetheart Tattoo in Fredericksburg, VA! Listen in to find out what it is. And Andi just finished reading The Icepick Surgeon: Murder, Fraud, Sabotage, Piracy, and other Dastardly Deeds Perpetrated in the Name of Science, about how science isn’t always ethical. Please remember to utilize your local libraries for your reading needs.  Find Lise on Twitter: @LiseMacTague  Find Andi on Twitter: @andimarquette  Find the podcast on Twitter: @LGOpodcast  Please remember to like and subscribe; it helps other find us. AND TWEET YOUR HALLOWEEN COSTUMES AT US.  

Episode 135: The Nightmare before Christmas: Does it Hold up?

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