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Fitness at all stages of a Women's Life - Discovering Fitness with Emma Wilson
Fitness at all stages of a Women's Life - Discovering Fitness with Emma Wilson

Fitness at all stages of a Women's Life - Discovering Fitness with Emma Wilson

Emma Wilson didn't know about fitness till after the birth of her daughter, overweight at the time, she realized she wanted to be a mom who could keep up with her growing daughter. She started Buggy Mums (similar to the fitness sensation in the US, Stroller Moms) in her hometown of Cheshire and the rest is history. As she's aged, she's come to terms with how bodies need to change their routines and nutrition over a lifetime - she now offers courses on going into perimenopause and menopause - how our bodies as women continue to develop. As a fitness professional she started her own business Emma Wilson Fitness to help anyone, all over the world, feel their best. If you want to learn more about Emma and our other Weekly Women, be sure to check out our website www.jubilance.com/blog

Fitness at all stages of a Women's Life - Discovering Fitness with Emma Wilson

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